Name: Chris Hatzis
School: Henderson State 
Position: Slot Wide Receiver
Height: 5-9
Weight: 185

Q: What goals did you set and/or accomplish in your final collegiate season?

Before the season started I wanted to set a few individual goals as well as team goals. Individually, I wanted to have 700 yards receiving, 70 catches, and 7 touchdowns. I chose the 7s because they felt attainable considering my role in our offense. Of those goals, I surpassed 700 rec. yards, met the goal of 7 touchdowns but fell short of the 70 catches. In terms of team goals, we fell short of a conference championship but we did make playoffs for the first time in 8 years. Id say that was a great accomplishment for our seniors.

Q: What would your coaches and teammates say about the type of player you are?

I’ve always been told if there were 10 more of me, we would have a hell of a team. I never understood it completely because I’m not sure how well I’d do at Left Tackle, but I do understand what they are tryng to say. Im a competitor who puts the team first. My coaches see me as a selfless player-coach while my teammates see me as a bonafide playmaker.

Q: When you are studying film, what are the things you focus on to improve your game?

When it comes to opponent film study, I try not to get carried away in what the other teams safteys or corners look like and how they play. I know if I play with my technique there is nothing those guys can do to stop me. The other side of film is watching my film and breaking down things I can do better. I always look for the bad plays. The things that sit with me most are the opportunities I didn’t make the most of. I try and find ways to ensure that I don’t miss those opportunities again. Don’t mess the same thing up more than once.

Q: What separates you from the other pro prospects at your position?

Everything. Size, speed, strength. They all have it better than I do. When it comes to natural ability, I wasn’t blessed with much. With that being said I always find a way. I find ways to outrun guys who have a better 40 than me. I find ways to break tackles off guys who squat the gym. My playmaking ability stems from the countless hours I’ve spent perfecting my craft. That and pure will.

Q: What is your offseason plan to train and prepare for professional opportunities?

Well, that’s a tough one because professional isn’t guaranteed. I understand the chances of a guy like me getting an opportunity are slim. I have to find a way to support myself now that football is over. So that’s my main focus as of now. If I ever do get an opportunity, it will be the best decision a team can make because I stay ready.

Q: What kind of strengths and abilities will you bring to a team that will stand out both on and off the field?

My biggest strength is an open mind. Lots of guys have to much pride to listen to the advice of others, but I am always looking to learn from guys around me. Teammates will notice my focus and dedication and hopefully that something I can help integrate into a teams culture.

Q: What is your final pitch to the NFL and any other pro leagues?

I know I don’t jump off the page. In absolutely no categories do I stand out. So I like to think of myself as a hidden gem. Hardly anyone has ever believed in me but when they do its always worked out. I know that next level is different, but I have yet to come across a challenge I couldn’t win. I wont stop playing this game until I have become the best or found someone to stop me from doing so.