Name: Severyn Foster
School: University of Nebraska-Kearney 
Position: Wide Receiver 
Height: 6-1
Weight: 208

Q: What goals did you set and/or accomplish in your final collegiate season?

For my final season I wanted to lead my team in all receiving categories which I accomplished. I wanted to set the example for those following in my footsteps to have the opportunity to be more successful than me in the following seasons.

Q: What would your coaches and teammates say about the type of player you are?

My coaches and teammates would say that I am the type of player to do everything right. Following program standards and setting examples for teammates and incoming players. Buying into the team standard and giving my all when playing.

Q: When you are studying film, what are the things you focus on to improve your game?

When studying film of myself, I focus on key elements in plays such as alignment and route depth. I believe that this is important for quarterback connection and helping your teammates get open. Other things I study for self improvement is defense alignments. Knowing coverages and where the open areas are on the field. Also watching key tendencies of defenders and knowing who to block on run/screen plays.

Q: What separates you from the other pro prospects at your position?

What separates me from other prospects of my position Is my knowledge of the game. Being able to play inside and out, picking up coverages and knowing where to find open zones as well as different ways to get my teammates open. Another thing that I believe would separate me from other prospects at my position is knowledge of the playbook.

Q: What is your offseason plan to train and prepare for professional opportunities?

During this offseason I am training at facility here back in my hometown. They work with many college/professional athletes and I am able to connect with them and work on football specific drills.

Q: What kind of strengths and abilities will you bring to a team that will stand out both on and off the field?

On the field strengths of mine would be giving max effort on every play. Whether I am blocking or running a route, I want to find the best way possible to do my 1/11. Catching in traffic is another strength of mine on the field. Off field strengths of mine are being a program player/great teammate. Buying in and doing what’s asked of me.

Q: What is your final pitch to the NFL and any other pro leagues?

I am a player that never quits regardless of the situation I am in. I will find a way to win and help whatever program I can in every way possible. Whether I am playing special teams or on offense, I strive to be the best football player I can.