Name: Noah Perez Sarria
School: Northern Colorado – Colorado Mesa 
Position: WR 
Height: 5-11
Weight: 190

Q: What goals did you set and/or accomplish in your final collegiate season?

Some of the goals that I set in my final collegiate season were to ultimately complete and finish an entire season injury free. This was super important to me because longevity is the most important piece in football. I completed this goal and was able to make an appearance in all 11 Games in 2023. Another goal I had was to get my name out more and gain more exposure. So whether that be making big plays when the ball came to me or making sure when I was on the field I carried an intense presence with my effort and work ethic. Another goal I had was to get in the end zone more and put together a good string of highlight tape. I really wanted to make sure regardless of the hand I was dealt, given any external factors that I would always find a way to be an exciting player when I was on the field and show players on my team and the other team that I was always an offensive threat no matter if I played 10 snaps or if I played 80 snaps. And I believe that I completed this goal by taking advantage of the opportunities to make plays when they presented themselves. 

Q: What would your coaches and teammates say about the type of player you are?

I believe that my former teammates and coaches would describe me as a very confident, very prideful and motivated individual. I have had a chance to connect on a deeper level with alot of my teammates and make an impact in their lives as we interacted during our training sessions, during practice and during off season training. I have also been privileged to be impacted by the brotherhood they have given me during my collegiate career. With that being said I am someone who is always willing to lend a helping hand in taking younger players under my wing. Rather than withhold information from younger less experienced players. I would tend to lift them up and show them more about the game and the understanding of the position, and the details and techniques that are required to play and win at the position. So many of my peers have come to me with questions in regards to their training regiment, diet, lifting, and even field work. I have had many of my peers also tell me that they feel not only motivated but inspired by my unyielding work ethic and self standard. This is ultimately one of the best feelings I have experienced as a football player, having my peers and teammates tell me that I am one of the hardest workers they have met or even telling me by watching how I carry myself and train that they have learned so much by just observing my habits. As I am not perfect in any way it means so much to me because it says im on the right path. To add to that is is always even more special when the majority of the coaches I have been around have always told me I have a crazy work ethic, I believe than my work ethic and training habits stand out to them because it shows that I truly want to make a positive impact in my growth towards being a great football player one day.

Q: When you are studying film, what are the things you focus on to improve your game?

When I am studying film I am always looking for ways to get better or have an advantage. I dont always pay attention to what is good or what is working. I pay attention to what is not working and the mistakes that other guys and myself make. I focus on things like disruptions in timing, spacing and over-scheme. I ask myself why it didn’t work. As a Wide receiver to alot of people it may look like we are just running lines on paper. But the game is far  deeper than that. Understanding your own alignments, assignments and adjustments is such an important piece but then  understanding how you accommodate the offense within the scheme of things is even greater. Over the years of studying film from Highschool to college I have learned to understand the game on a broader perspective as I started to understand that I am part of a scheme not just an individual running around trying to catch the ball. To be an advanced receiver you must understand what the quarterback’s job is. How does he process his reads? Pre and post snap. How is he reading the play? Are you the first option, second or the last? Are you on his front side or his backside, is he more comfortable throwing into coverage or do you have to be wide open. Does he throw the ball early, late or right on time? On the other side of this there’s the Offensive line, it’s important as a wide receiver to understand the timing given different blocking schemes, is the line run  blocking, pass blocking, are we in an RPO situation where I may have to think on the fly and make a post snap adjustment. This is all important for the timing of a play. As a wideout you want to know exactly how much time you have to work your defender and get to your spot within the timing of the offensive scheme. Other things I focus on is spacing and aligning. This is huge when running routes because you don’t want to accidentally cover another wide receiver up by running your route into his route zone. This makes it easier for defenses to cover and react to offensive plays. When I look at the other side of the ball I had to learn that I wasn’t running routes vs a defender, I’m running the route vs the defense given to me. This advances the game and challenges you to understand each potion and technique defensive backs play. By understanding these, not you modify your route to run it vs a specific coverage. My coach has taught me that every route can be ran 6-7 different ways based on the 6-8 different techniques defenses may show. By watching tape and understanding the techniques and what defensive positioning they come out in this will give you tells on what you can do and what you should not do. So understanding that I’m running a route vs a defensive set given  and that can change, rather than running the route vs the single man in front of me and running it exactly the same every time. Again there is an internal clock in football and offensively they have to sync up so It’s important to know what the offense and defense is doing so that you don’t waste too much time. I have become more of a student of the game through playing multiple receiver positions. And the way you run routes, catch balls and see angles from the various positions changes often so it is important to prepare the mind to react and read on the fly.

Q: What separates you from the other pro prospects at your position?

I believe what sets me apart from my competition in this year’s draft is my overall preparation for the moment. I have taken a lot of time to lay a fundamental foundation on and off the field not only the last year but over the last 10. I set myself apart by becoming a student of the game who is willing to constantly learn and grow. I believe that I am a sponge and I have the ability to use the knowledge given to me to stand out as a very key playmaker in any offense at any level. I have played against some of the best talent whether it be second round draft picks, or 5 stars. I have the ability to win and have done it at the division 1 level and i have done it against the division 1 fcs level, after transition to the division 2 level I found that I could virtually get open vs anyone press man. I have the ability to beat press man with deceptive releases and speed, but not only just ability but understanding of the game that I can win and make plays down the field. I am a grown man and I have never been intimidated to play against older, more experienced players. I am strong and physical as a 5’10 Wide. I believe I can be dangerous in the slot at the professional level as well as making a significant impact on the outside as a X or Z Receiver. I can win on the island by myself and I can out physical any DB at any level. I am confident that my ability is at a level that will not be lacking at the NFL level. I believe with reps vs higher level guys and professional players my abilities and skills will translate immediately. With coaching and technical tweaks I believe any wide receivers coach could make me a dangerous offensive weapon in their offense. I believe I am a physical blocker and I give good effort in the run game and I feel like I will translate that to the pro level as well. I am a wide receiver that can catch passes from all depths, and I believe I can run any and all routes in the route tree. From routes 5-8 yards, to routes 10-15 yards and have the ability to take the top off on anything 20+. I believe that I am one of the most versatile players in this draft that nobody knows about. My versatility stems from being moved inside and out but also from being coached by many different coaches. I have a good understanding of the game and I have a fire to compete at a high level. I don’t believe that I am just a pass catcher. I am willing to do any and all to get the job done and win. Catch passes, block, run defenders off and go that extra mile to block for a big play to bust. I think that my versatility is what separates me from anyone in the draft whether it be guys getting draft invites, combine invites and even undrafted free agents. I think that whoever takes a change to develop me as a pro will truly see that I am a professional and I can compete consistently at the professional level. I always take advantage of the moment, if I get the opportunity to showcase my ability coaches will never be blind to the player I am. I feel Like I stand out and it’s because I just dont stop, I’m too competitive, I want it too bad. If I fail, I’ll keep going, learn and try again. I want it more than the next guy and the last guy. I won’t take no for an answer. 

Q: What is your offseason plan to train and prepare for professional opportunities?

My off season training plan is to dedicate myself to a new diet and implementing a nutritionist that will help guide me along the journey. I have cut out soda, candy chips and other junk foods in order to implement a new diet program. I have worked on not only preparing a new diet but adding more and more calories to my meals in order to fuel myself for training. I will be meal planning and staying dedicated to a detailed plan that will come from my nutritionist. For the start of my offseason training I plan to first compete in the Daytona beach FCS national Bowl to gain some exposure and feel out the professional landscape. This gave me insight on things to work on and what to expect for future evaluations. After that I will be spending a little over a month training in Tampa. Accessing the facilities, athletes and some of the trainers in that area. I plan to use this month or so as an “acclimation period” before I head back to Colorado to start my official pro day training. I plan to do my training at two facilities, the main being Landow Performance. By accessing this facility and the trainers there I feel like they will prepare me the proper way to have success on my pro day and any other combines or events I will be invited to and attend. Aside from my focused football training I will be implementing cross training such as working with a cycling coach doing bike rides for conditioning as well as working with a running coach who will be working not only on my speed but working on my long distance running. I plan to be running and lifting as much as possible to put the adequate load  needed for me to increase my 40 but also prepare my cardio to compete in camp training at the highest level.I also plan to use swimming as a tool in my training for cardio and for recovery throughout my camp. Throughout camp I will be competing in various senior bowls across the country and attending combines and evaluation opportunities that will keep me active and in a competitive state as I prepare for my pro day on March 25th in Pueblo COlorado at the Rmac combine. I will be sticking to my training regimen and diet through the summer as I feel this will separate me from the bunch if I truly take care of my body. By dedicating myself to multiple training sessions a day that are detailed and evenly split to accommodate recovery I feel like I will have significant growth and significant change in my numbers. The goal is ultimately to get in the best shape of my life the next 5 months and show each scout that I can be an asset to their organization. 

Q: What kind of strengths and abilities will you bring to a team that will stand out both on and off the field?

I think the biggest strength I will bring is my character. I think that the team, coach, scout or gm who notices me and sees what I see in myself will truly be getting a special person. NOt only an athlete. I am someone with a raw background and a raw story. Someone who comes from humble beginnings and has never had anything handed to him. I have had to work tirelessly like a lot of people but doing so when I haven’t been dealt good hands in life.  But I have never made excuses and I have always self reflected on what I could have done better to put myself in a better situation to succeed. I feel like my character stems from my family’s religious background and our firm belief in God. I have done nothing by myself. This is all God and God has given me talents to compete at a high level of football. Many will say that football isn’t who they are its what they do. I disagree personally. God gave me these talents, he blessed me with this motivation, and he has opened so many doors in this field for me. I am a football player however I am a man of God first and by Being a man of god I serve him and give him all the credit for my life and my career. God made me who I am today and I believe It has purpose and has significant meaning to who I am. I will always say that I am a man of God and will never deny it. But I will also stand up and tell anyone. I am a football player and football is not only what I do but who I am and why I am here today. I was sent to earth to bring followers of Christ closer to God and bring lost followers back to God. For me my platform is football and the way I can exalt his name. I am a living example of a lost follower coming to christ and I believe that with football I plan to change not only my life and my families but make a huge impact in the world. I have so many things I want to do within my own community and the world and god has given me talents in order to express who I am as a man. I plan to be a positive beacon in my community and to any organization I am attached to. I plan not only to have many impacts on the field but in the facility, in the locker room and in the communities that are attached to the organizations I’m affiliated with. I want to be a positive example of the right way to do it and I believe this can maybe be exactly why I feel I’m different then the other 100,000 kids with the same dreams and goals. 

Q: What is your final pitch to the NFL and any other pro leagues?

My final pitch to anyone who is interested in getting in contact with me, evaluating me, or bringing me into their program would be. I’m different. I’m not different from how everyone says “built different” because I was created as an equal but I am different in the sense that I don’t think anyone else will truly make the impact that I feel I can make for your organization.. I can assure you God willing injury and external hiccups aside I will give my all to get what I set out to get and do exactly what I said i’m going to do. I am someone who will go and extra mile to stand out and set myself apart from the masses. I always believed I was special but I know that that has to be proven. So whoever out there sees this and reads this I hope they do know and feel how serious I am about my future. I want it so badly to play at the professional level. And with God I believe it will happen. And with God I believe I will compete and make a strong impact on the field as an intense playmaker but also in the community I am in. I believe I will represent any organization well and will be growing through my time with them to become an elite wide receiver and an elite representative of one organization. My overarching personal goal is to sign my first contract to play professional football in 2024, I am ready to back up and leave wherever I need to in order to sign a contract to take care of my family. I will do all of the things required in order to set myself apart and make that impact I spoke about above. Thank you.