Name: Jay Nyamwaya
School: Merrimack College
Position: DT
Height: 6-4
Weight: 305

Q: What goals did you set and/or accomplish in your final collegiate season? 

This season a few goals that I had set and accomplished included improving my ability as a pass rusher, to get selected for All Conference, and to attend all practices and team lifts. I had set out to improve my pass rushing skills because in my previous two seasons despite having 121 total tackles, I was more of a run-stopper and felt my pass rush needed work to complete my game. I worked really hard in the off season, mainly with my D-line coaches (Coach Lesniewski and Coach White), and went from 3.5 sacks in the previous two seasons to 5.5 sacks in 10 games (4th in the NEC). The work I put in with my coaches also helped me get selected for All Conference. My last goal of attending all practices and lifts might sound like something small but its something I take pride in. Being present and reliable are important not just in football but in life in general.

Q: What would your coaches and teammates say about the type of player you are?

My teammates and coaches would say I’m a play maker. I mostly play interior defensive line, but what sets me apart is the ability to make big plays no matter where I am on the field. Whether it’s a strip sack, a forced fumble, or a tipped ball I have the ability to make the play.

Q: When you are studying film, what are the things you focus on to improve your game?

When studying film the first thing I look at is my get off and whether its fast or slow. Then I look at my steps to see if I read my keys and that I am executing the play correctly. Then I observe pad level and whether or not I’m using my hands to attack and shed the blocker. Lastly, I see if I completed the play (make tackle/play, sprint until whistle is blown) . Other general things I look at are whether I’m being aggressive and explosive through the play. I note everything down and talk to a coach if needed to find out how to fix it. If I am doing something wrong like have a slow get off I do drills to improve. If I’m not executing the play I will go through the play book and study the play until memorized.

Q: What separates you from the other pro prospects at your position? 

What separates me from other pro prospects at my position is my size, athletic ability, and work ethic. I am 6’4, 305 so I can compete with the offensive linemen in the NFL. I am also very fast and explosive. I believe my 40 yard dash, long jump, and vertical will be strong points at my pro day. Lastly, I’m also a very hard worker. Every year I have played football I have worked harder than the year before and improved. I look forward to continuing this trend as I transition to playing professional football.

Q: What is your offseason plan to train and prepare for professional opportunities?

During this off season I will be training with Exceed Sports Performance. They train pro and colligate athletes using cutting edge technology. They do a great job with Combine and Pro Day training and have helped athletes make the jump to the next level. I’ve also been staying active since the season ended. Doing solo workouts with my strength coach (Coach Stern). As well as keeping myself mentally and physically dynamic by trying new things. I’ve started hot yoga this off season and I have also started stretching and meditating daily.

Q: What kind of strengths and abilities will you bring to a team that will stand out both on and off the field?

Some strengths I have are my speed like I mentioned before. I have film of me running down RBs and QBs. My motor, I do not easily get tired and will keep attacking and pushing every down. I’m a good teammate, Ill always have a teammates back on and off the field. Im a hard-worker and I’m very disciplined. I’m coachable, I’m always receptive to any information that will make me better and I’m a fast learner. I am reliable, like I mentioned before I take pride in being at all team activities and I take pride in being there for my family, teammates, and close friends. Im a strong leader on and off the field. I believe in leading by example (do the right thing and others will follow). I’m also genuine and humble, always willing to embrace different people and backgrounds. Lastly I’m a giving person. I have always wanted to be able look out for people who have less and help where I can. This is part of the reason I want to make it to the NFL so bad.

Q: What is your final pitch to the NFL and any other pro leagues?

My greatest ability is my obsession with improving. I am relentless when it comes to this. If I’m not good at something, I will work on it until I excel at it. I am like this with football more than anything. Whether it’s watching film, lifting, hitting the field, stretching, or improving diet there is always something that can be done to improve as a athlete. I can spend entire days doing these things and be at peace. This, along with my competitiveness is what got me to where I am today and it will take me far once I’m in the NFL. Seeing myself continuously improve as an athlete and football player is a feeling I have honestly become addicted to.