Name: Cody Clements
School: Eastern Washington University 
Position: LS
Height: 6-2
Weight: 240

Q: What goals did you set and/or accomplish in your final collegiate season? 

I was perfect all year on field goal and punt snaps. I wanted to improve my blocking and was able to put on film some great pro form blocking as well as some fun highlight hits on specialty blocks. I was looking to go out and enjoy my final year as well as compete at a high level and I believe I did that.

Q: What would your coaches and teammates say about the type of player you are?

I believe that my teammates would say that I cared for them and tried my best to make the others around me better. I believe coaches would say that worked my butt off to be a “dude” even if I’m just a long snapper.

Q: What separates you from the other pro prospects at your position? 

I believe I have a great mix of consistency, size, and athleticism that isn’t always seen out of FCS long snappers. I was also responsible to block for all 4 years that I started, so I have a ton of experience doing what will be asked of me at the next level. I also have been seeing a sport psychologist for over a year, so I’ve become good at using my mind to help me, not hurt me.

Q: What is your offseason plan to train and prepare for professional opportunities?

Sadly, I tore my MCL and ACl in the FCS national bowl in December. My rehab is going well, and I’m already back to snapping after only being 3 1/2 months removed from surgery. I plan to keep rehabbing and be ready for the XFL and USFL next spring and then hopefully can eventually make an NFL roaster at some point.

Q: What kind of strengths and abilities will you bring to a team that will stand out both on and off the field?

My consistency on and off the field is my biggest strength. I know I’m not a perfect player or person, but I will always strive to be better and gain more consistency. I know that even if one snap isn’t perfect, my next snap will be because I’ve put in the work to achieve that. I also know that I can cover punts at a high level and am comfortable being put in that position and actually seek that out. Off the field, you know you’re going to get a player that loves football and is obsessed with putting the work in to become the best version of himself. I’ve been extremely blessed in my life, and football isn’t any different, but I know that I’m blessed with football because of the work I’ve put in while no one is looking.

Q: What is your final pitch to the NFL and any other pro leagues?

To any pro leagues, I know my ACL and MCL is a negative, but I’m turning it into a positive. I’m taking this time to rehab fully and work out hard and change my body and mind to be at their best once next year comes around. Long snapping is 90% mental, and I’m taking the time by seeing a sports psychologist to turn my mind into a weapon. All I’ve done is exceed expectations when it comes to my football career, and if you take a chance on me, I know I’ll exceed your expectations as well. Thats just what I do.