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Blake Ashley: 2024 Pro Prospect Interview

Name: Blake Ashley
School: Bridgewater College 
Position: Long Snapper 
Height: 6-0
Weight: 220

Q: What goals did you set and/or accomplish in your final collegiate season?

Lose weight focus on my speed and flexibility, fine tuning my snapping technique.

Q: What would your coaches and teammates say about the type of player you are?

They would say that I am player who leads by example and is resilient. After having major surgery the week of the first game this past season, my team was struggling at the long snapper position. My goal was to do everything I was able to do after the surgery to come back and help the team win. I came back to play in the third game of the season, just two weeks after surgery, even though I was expecting to miss 4-6 weeks. I showed great determination and finished the season playing 9 games.

Q: When you are studying film, what are the things you focus on to improve your game?

Most importantly, I focus on assessing my long snapping technique and identifying any minor adjustments I may need to make, such as my stance or follow-through. I also pay close attention to how I cover down the field and block during field goals. Each game, I challenge myself to strive for perfection in order to give my team the best chance of winning.

Q: What separates you from the other pro prospects at your position?

I believe that my film displays many facets that are seen in the professional game. I am explosive in punt coverage and have the ability to cause havoc, as demonstrated in my film. Additionally, my speed is comparable to some of the fastest long snappers in the country, and my snap accuracy is among the best, as all of my punt snaps this year were within the frame from the hip to the bottom of the chest of my punter. My field goal snap location is consistently accurate. Lastly, I am an aggressive blocker on the field goal unit.

Q: What is your offseason plan to train and prepare for professional opportunities?

My plan is to focus on adding more muscle and working on the transition from the snap to the blocking/footwork. Additionally, I aim to learn about the Pro Punt schemes and how to keep an eye on the stunts that opposing teams may have planned. I will work on refining my ability to get perfect laces at 8 yards with the NFL ball.

Q: What kind of strengths and abilities will you bring to a team that will stand out both on and off the field?

I have the ability to adapt to any situation, whether it be playing in a game or dealing with adversity. I always find a way and don’t let the moment shy away. Since I started long snapping, I’ve always seen myself as the underdog. Not being the biggest guy in the room or having the ideal size, it made me work harder and fueled a fire in me to be better. I also strive to lead by example. It is crucial to be there for my teammates and coaches, putting smiles on their faces during stressful times. I cherish every moment I have with a specific team, season by season, knowing that those teams will never be together again. As a leader on the team for the past two years, my role was to provide a foundation for younger players to follow, helping them enjoy their college careers on and off the field, in the classroom, and around campus. I firmly believe that these qualities and strengths will make a positive difference for any team that is willing to give me a chance.

Q: What is your final pitch to the NFL and any other pro leagues?

I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to compete for the long snapper position within any organization. I firmly believe that I possess the necessary skillset to smoothly transition to the next level. My accuracy, explosiveness in coverage, and physicality on field goal/PAT. Make me a good prospect. I was also recognized on the Special Teams U All-American Watchlist for two seasons. I was one of 18 long snappers in all of college football from Divisions 1-3 selected by Kyle Stelter, who has worked with the likes of Luke Rhodes, an All-Pro long snapper and the highest-paid long snapper in the NFL. Coach Stelter puts players on the list whom he believes have pro potential. Most importantly, I believe my leadership qualities have the potential to make a significant impact within any locker room.

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